About Us

The Martial Way, quite simply means…
“knowledge as a way to improve one’s life and the life of others.”

We believe the Martial Way is a common way of thinking, feeling and living among warriors in various Martial Arts. 

It is a core attitude. It’s a way of living that 
integrates the martial arts into our daily lives.

We desire to bring the martial arts back to its roots 
of following the martial way with an ultimate goal of becoming enlightened human beings. This is done through the development of the mind, body and spirit through life-long learning of the martial arts. 

We invite you to join us on our journey.

Our vision is to inspire 
martial artists to train 
more effectively and to 
live more vibrantly through 
the pursuit of the martial way.

Ronald Leach and
Vashon Borich-Leach
Founders of the Martial Way Network

Ron Leach Bio
Vashon Borich-Leach Bio